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Connect to Linea



Linea is available by default in MetaMask through an Infura RPC endpoint.

Linea Mainnet

Find the network selector in the top-left of MetaMask, and click to see your available networks. From here, select Linea Mainnet:

MetaMask change network to Linea extension

If you don't see Linea Mainnet in the "Enabled networks" list, scroll to the "Additional networks" section, and click "Add".

Linea Sepolia

In the networks menu, scroll until you see the "Show test networks" toggle. If it's off, switch it on; you should see Linea Sepolia in the list. Select it to get started.

MetaMask change network to Linea Sepolia extension

See the MetaMask support article for further information.

Custom RPC endpoint

You can configure MetaMask to connect to Linea Mainnet or Linea Sepolia with any RPC endpoint.

Refer to the MetaMask Support site for instructions on how to add RPC endpoints.

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